Amazon Digital Radio Network using HF

This project provides a digital communication infrastructure for traditional communities in the isolated rural rain forest areas in Acre State, in the Amazon region of Brazil. This research is the continuation of the Fonias Juruá academic research project, where in 2015 5 High Frequency (HF) radio stations where installed inside the Alto Juruá Reserve, in communities without any communication infrastructure, sometimes taking more than one day by boat to reach the nearest phone. One other HF station was instated in Marechal Thaumaturgo city, where there is a phone and an Internet access. The project aims at expanding and improving an already existing radio network, testing and adapting the social technology that was developed previously, analog voice communication, based on the local community requirements and feedback. Each HF station will be equipped with a digital modem, connected to the radio, which will allow digital data exchange between the communities.
Nombre de la organización
Department of Planning, Urbanism and Environment at the School of Technology and Applied Sciences at the Sao Paulo State University (UNESP)
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