Quinoa products, gluten free, lactose free, with social commitment and traceability! We seed, harvest and process our own quinoa to produce delicious products.Quinoa Cotopaxi S.A., is a mipymes inspired by the work of four generations of farmers and founded on the family need to produce and sell their products without intermediaries.Quinoa, the golden cereal of the Incas, is now seeded, cultivated, harvested and processed by our family to be transformed into pre-mixes for cakes, cupcakes, soups, quinottos and flour. 15 SKUsAfter four years of hard work, our plant has BPM, HACCP, Mucho Mejor Ecuador certifications, FDA registration and we are implementing FSMA. We have already been audited to certify Global Markets BRC by NSF Int.Quinoa Cotopaxi is a company that, despite its short history and size, is committed to society through a project to support the Kichwa Saraguro Sumak Kawsay school and groups of indigenous women who work in agriculture in the province of Cotopaxi.
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